Quick Search – JGH Archives

Search Tips

Within search boxes:

  • Use & for AND
    (groundbreaking & nursing)
  • Use / for OR
    (groundbreaking / nursing)
  • Use ! for NOT
    (groundbreaking ! nursing)

Special Characters:

  • Use * to truncate
    (e.g. nurs* finds
    nurseries, etc.)
  • Use >, <, >=, <= for greater or less than
    (e.g. <= 1999 finds dates earlier than 1999 inclusive)
  • Use : to search a date range
    (e.g. 1999:2003)

The Quick Search allows you to explore the entire online archives database . Results will include photographs, bricks and pledges, and archival descriptions of the documentary collections created and held in the JGH Archives, spanning from the 1920s to 2000s. The database is a work in progress and new records, in varied format, will be added on an on-going basis.

To perform a search:

Enter your search term (i.e. Oncology, nurse, construction, etc) in the search box and then select Go!

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